Tuesday, April 1, 2025
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Truly Classic 128 Linnea Aurora launched by SES Yachts

The latest Hoek-designed Truly Classic 128 was launched recently by her builders SESYachts in Istanbul, Turkey.

The completion of Linnea Aurora brings the number of TC 128sto five, adding to a unique fleet of sloop-rigged sisterships which include Atalante,Vijonara, GraceIIIand Halekai.

Hoek hallmarks

Commissioned by a European client, Linnea Aurora bears all the hallmarks of Hoek’siconic Truly Classic genre with long overhangs, a sweeping sheerline, elegant timber-claddeckhouses and an excellent sailing performance.

Hoek Design’s meticulous attentionto hull shape, appendages and sail plan is renowned for producing rewarding sailingcharacteristics.Built in aluminium by SES Yachts in Turkey, Linnea Aurora is designed largely for familysailing and will be capable of fast, comfortable trans ocean passage-making and a goodperformance on the race course.

Versatile accommodation

Linnea Aurora also benefits from a versatile accommodation layout with a large owner’ssuite aft with its own private deckhouse-cum-navigation station.

The lower saloon is alsoaft making an unusually large owner’s living area when cruising without guests.There arethree guest cabins, two forward and one opposite the aft lower saloon. There is extensivecrew accommodation for five in the forward sections of the yacht.

The main deckhouseprovides a sheltered dining area for 10 guests who can enjoy panoramicviews.Hoek Design is responsible for the general arrangement and interior design whileStockholm-based Daniel Östman was selected by the owner for the interior decorating.

The combination of looks, performance and accommodation, common to all TC 128s,appealed to Linnea Aurora’s owner whose first meeting with Andre Hoek was three yearsago at the Monaco Yacht Show where TC 128-3 GraceIII, also built by SES Yachts, wasbeing exhibited.

‘Joining a fleet and a family’

Andre Hoek explained that his client had considered many options, but was impressedwith the concept of the TC 128, the build quality, accommodation options and,importantly, the design’s impressive track record. “He will be joining a fleet and a family,”said Andre Hoek.

“By chartering the TC 128-1 Atalante, the client was also able to developa precise idea of what he wanted in the new yacht,” he added.Several TC 128s have proved to be good long distance passage makers with Halekai andVijonara both spending time in the Pacific, the former visiting New Zealand and Australia.Atalante has been planning similar long-distance adventures.

2.5-year build time

It was also important to the owner that the build process started as soon as possible,something SES Yachts could accommodate, as could Hoek Design, who had the basicnaval architecture already in place. Build time was 2.5 years.

Another benefit of the wellproven TC 128 marque was that a satisfactory re-sale value could be maintained.Regular owner visits to the SES yard in Tuzla, Istanbul ensured close client involvementin the project.

It also ensured that the owner was able to inject some personal detail intothe design including a number of unique paintings of Swedish lighthouses, which adorncabin and head doors.SES managing director Elif Yildirim, said: “The owner visited regularly and was verysupportive and understanding, which made for an enjoyable project! Linnea Aurorarepresents a milestone for us as she’s the 90th launching since our company wasfounded 50years ago.

So, a multiple anniversary for SES Yachts and we could not havecelebrated it better.”The experienced Taco Zwartsworked as Owner Representative and Atalante’s skipperJames Prince assisted the owner in the early stages of the project.

Latest sailing systems

Linnea Aurora is designed to take to the race courseand benefits from the latest sailingsystems including North Sails’ Helix ‘structured luff’ technology which not only reducesheadstay sag, resulting in higher sailing angles, but also enables adjustments to sailshape.

“The ability to induce camber change depending on wind strength gives a wider range fora given sail,” said Hoek Design’s managing partner, Ruurt Meulemans. To apply thenecessary luff tension in the blade orYankee, two OYS hydraulic cylinders are locatedbeneath the deck in the forepeak.

Linnea Aurora steps a Hall Spars carbon spar with EC6 carbon rigging. The mastheadsailplan can be arranged for cruising with a yankee and staysail, the latter on a removablestay, or racing when the blade can be set using additional inner sheeting tracks.Runnerstake staysail loads and can also be used as checkstays for mast trim.

Carbon fibre rudder

Like other TC 128s, this boat is fitted with a carbon fibre balanced rudder blade which isnot only lighter than an aluminium alternative but, as Ruurt Meulemans explained, issubstantially thinner than an aluminium rudder. This helps make Linnea Aurora lighter onthe helm and increases the sensation of ‘feel’ for the helmsman. “Using carbon meansthe rudder can be narrower with the benefits just described and helps us create a betterhydrodynamic shape,” he said.

The yacht’s keel design is an ‘L’ shaped fin and bulb with lead ballast encapsulated in thealuminium structure. Her draft is considerable at 4.5m.

The yacht also has a powerful Lewmar winch package with power take offs (PTOs) fromthe main MAN diesel engine and both generators to ensure sufficient hydraulic flowduring complex sailing manoeuvres, particularly when racing. A lithium battery packageallows for night time ‘silent periods’ with no generator required and also a degree ofsailing time in the same no-generator mode.

Emissions reduction

Linnea Aurora is the first TC 128 to be fitted with an engine exhaust SCR (selectivecatalytic reduction) unit which removes nitrogen oxides to meet the latest emissionsregulations. Together with the sophisticated sailing systems, top end B&G navigationpackage and accommodation built by a company sub-contracted by SES Yachts, LinneaAurora is a step ahead of her sisterships and will be a welcome new addition to the TC128 fleet!

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