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Team Italia to present ultra-innovative I-Bridge

Visitors and professionals will be able to interact with the ultra-innovative I-Bridge and its Head-Up Display,

where cruising dataare overlaid onto the actual navigation viewTEAM Italia, World leader in in the marine electronics market for mega and maxi yachts, isready for the 2019 edition of the Versilia Yachting Rendez-Vous (9-12 May): the Italiancompany will introduce an innovative I-Bridge®console that includes a transparent Head-Up Display.

This disruptive console will be aboard the new Sanlorenzo 140/64, one of thecoming season’s most eagerly awaited superyachts yachts.

I Bridge 2

As all I-Bridge® solutions, the version on display at the stand (F10-G10, Darsena Europa)was developed and tested entirely in-house, in order to guarantee the handling of thecontrol interfaces and a simplified management of the on-board systems.

This is achievedthrough integrated monitoring systems developed by Onyx Marine Automation, a TEAMItalia company.

I Bridge 3

To achieve this solution, the Italian company worked according to the architecture ofdistributed electronic. This allowed to free up space by using a “sleek” design whilst stillguaranteeing the very highest levels of onboard safety.In the Head-Up Display solution, navigation data are available on the transparent display:the captain can easily check all the needed info and still keep fully focused on steering theyacht.

The transparent display allows to overlay the main data – such as route, waypoint,AIS and ARPA targets – with the actual navigation view, in addition to providing all the otheruseful information.

I Bridge 4

This solution highly differs from augmented reality systems, where thedata are overlaid onto an image from a camera.

During the Versilia Yachting Rendez-Vous, visitors and professionals will be able to interactwith this innovative I-Bridge® console with the support of a TEAM Italia engineer.

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