Thursday, March 6, 2025
Zois Mercury v10

Sophia Kounenaki-Efraimoglou: Life requires boldness & true grit

Always actively engaged in the business and cultural scene of the country, the president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President of The National Chamber Network of Women Entrepreneurs (EEDEGE) and Executive Vice-President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World talks to ONDECK about the initiatives and actions organised by ACCI, the potential of women’s entrepreneurship and the utilization of our cultural heritage, sending a strong message of encouragement to the new generation.

 Upon assuming your duties as President of ACCI you talked about raising the added value that the Chamber offers to its members. How do you plan to reach that goal?
At ACCI, the chamber that represents 120,000 companies with the largest contribution to the Greek GDP, we keep undertaking initiatives and implementing action plans, first to strengthen outward looking Greek companies and attract investments, and then to cope with the bigger obstacles regarding the smooth technological and digital transition of businesses with an emphasis on SMEs.

In our days the biggest stake is the challenging digital transition of businesses, especially small and medium-sized businesses. The results are already visible. Before the pandemic, only 9% of Greek SMEs had digitized supply chains, compared to 30% of large companies, while only 15% used customer management systems, compared to 40% of large companies. The pandemic offered a window of opportunity that several entrepreneurs took advantage of. ACCI has played a key role in the gradual transition of its members to the new reality, launching new tools that have helped them adapt to the world of artificial intelligence.

We update our members on the benefits, methods and functions of new technologies, organize cyber security training programs, as well as upskilling and reskilling and specialized workforce programs. In addition, ACCI has established the largest -and one of the first in Europe- startup incubator in Greece, as well as a startup accelerator and a Business Angel Network for groundbreaking start-ups. So far, we have supported more than 420 startups and continue with the same energy. In addition, through international partnerships, we offer companies opportunities to participate in global innovation ecosystems, with the aim of turning innovation into a catalyst for the development of exportable and competitive products and services.

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How do you plan to support women entrepreneurs?
This year, for the second time, we invited women-led startups from all over Greece to join ACCI’s Startup Incubator. After last year’s significant success, when several women-led startups managed to take their first steps, grow, secure investment funds, network abroad and spread their wings, we expect that this year the success will be even greater. Next September, the 2nd International Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference will take place in Athens, and its objective is to highlight the excellent prospects open to women-led companies in our country. What’s more, we are investing in Greek entrepreneurs active outside Athens and as part of this we will train women all over Greece on matters pertaining to women’s entrepreneurship. At the same time, we are promoting the Action of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, as part of the Greece 2.0 National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which concerns the creation of childcare facilities within company premises. Finally, our immediate priority is to support any initiative to strengthen women’s digital skills.

Do you believe that women have reached the status they deserve?
The achievements of recent years have been remarkable and the progress made is significant, but we are a long way from the point where we could say that women have the place they deserve. On the plus side, according to the latest studies on women’s entrepreneurship, significant progress has recently been made regarding women getting to positions of responsibility. According to this year’s report by Grant Thornton, the percentage of women in Greece in senior management positions recorded a significant increase of 9 percentage points in 2023, reaching 37% compared to 28% in 2022 and climbing to the highest level since the recording of relevant data began. At the same time, the percentage of businesses with no women whatsoever in the senior management plummeted to 11% from last year’s 22%, the second lowest since the survey began.

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Nevertheless, I am optimistic about what we can achieve in the coming years. You see, while stereotypes and prejudice continue to exist and form the glass ceiling, the number of women who break it and go on to pursue their dreams is gradually increasing.

Is Greece flourishing in terms of ideas and culture?
The well-known English poet Wistan Hugh Auden once said that “had Greek civilization never existed, we would never have become fully conscious”. The American writer, Henry Miller, also admitted: “The light of Greece opened my eyes, penetrated my pores, extended to my whole being.” There are many more examples of great thinkers from all over the world bowing to the greatness of Greek culture. Today, all we have to do is to make the best of our priceless cultural heritage and let the Greek spirit free to express itself and excel. I am confident that the Greek culture should be given an even more important place in primary education, so as to ensure that it flourishes on a permanent basis.

Read the full article in the new Skipper OnDeck issue 70!
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