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Rolex Capri Sailing Week

Rolex Capri Sailing Week, which takes place at Naples and Capri between May 5 and 13 next. 

The Yacht Club Italiano, the Circolo del Remo e della Vela Italia, the Circolo Canottieri Aniene and the Yacht Club Capri will be working in partnership with Rolex as organisers of this important event which takes place in May each year in one of the world’s most spectacularly beautiful settings and on a course internationally renowned for its myriad challenges. Yards, classes and owners alike will have the opportunity to compete in highly technical races and be part of an event that will attract the leading lights of international sailing to this stunning corner of Italy.

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The programme
The Rolex Capri Sailing Week begins on May 5 2017 with the 63rd edition of the Regata dei Tre Golfi which starts at midnight from the Circolo del Remo e della Vela Italia dockside in Naples.
The race covers a route of around 150 miles, winding its way across the Bays of Naples, Gaeta and Salerno, and rounding the islands of Ponza and Li Galli before reaching the island of Capri where competitors will await the start of the other two events on the programme the Campionato Nazionale del Tirreno (Tyrrhenian National Championship) and the Farr 40 Class Regatta and the Mylius Cup which take place on the Blue Isle between May 10 and 13.

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The Rolex Capri Sailing Week prize-giving ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 13, on Capri.

The 63rd Regata dei Tre Golfi is open to boats with ORC (International or Club) – IRC of over 9 metres in length which are divided into the following Groups:
– Group 0: craft over 18.05 metres in length
– Group A: Classes: A – 1 – 2
– Group B: Classes: 3 – 4
Double handed yachts (“Tre Golfi per Due”) and “Gran Crociera” category yachts (as described in article 11, FIV Offshore Sailing Regulations), which have retained their original configuration and are compliant with current regulations, may also compete.
The Campionato Nazionale del Tirreno (Tyrrhenian National Championship) is open to all boats of over 9.14 metres in length with a valid ORC (International or Club) or IRC rating certificate, which are divided into the following Groups:
– Group 0: boats of over 18.05 metres in length
– Group A: Classes: A – 1 – 2
– Group B: Classes: 3 – 4.
The Mylius Yacht Trophy will also be presented at the end of the Championship.
The Farr 40 Class Regatta is open to all Farr 40 Class boats as defined under the Class Rules.
The Pre-Notice of Race is available on the websites of all the organising Clubs:

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