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Flexplorer 146 M/Y Maverick

First sneak peek into Maverick, the inaugural vessel among the trio of Flexplorer 146 being built at Cantiere delle Marche’s shipyard in Ancona: she features the unmistakable Flexplorer exterior line by Hydro Tec complemented by interiors designed by Francesco Paszkowski. Once Maverick is launched in the upcoming months, she will mark a significant milestone for Cantiere delle Marche.

“Once Mav­er­ick is launched in the up­com­ing months, she will mark a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone for our Ship­yard. She show­cases the strength of our pro­duc­tion. When we in­tro­duced the con­cept of flex­i­ble ex­plorer yachts, we an­tic­i­pated its ap­peal to Own­ers seek­ing an ex­pan­sive and com­pre­hen­sive sail­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Our Flex­plor­ers ex­em­plify ex­cep­tional adapt­abil­ity to di­verse re­quests. The three Flex­plorer 146 cur­rently un­der con­struc­tion per­fectly show the con­cept’s in­her­ent flex­i­bil­ity, with each unit be­ing sig­nif­i­cantly dis­tinct from one an­other. De­spite each one be­ing unique in its own way, they all share the same fea­tures that en­able safe ex­plo­ration of re­mote des­ti­na­tions while pro­vid­ing ut­most com­fort and all the ameni­ties ex­pected of a true lux­ury yacht.”

Vasco Buon­pen­siere, CEO and Sales & Mar­ket­ing Di­rec­tor

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Mav­er­ick, like all Flex­plor­ers, dis­plays a strik­ing ex­te­rior de­sign by Hy­dro Tech, while her el­e­gant in­te­ri­ors are crafted by Francesco Paszkowski in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Margherita Casprini. The Own­ers’ de­sires and lifestyle per­fectly align with Paszkowski metic­u­lous and poised ap­proach, re­sult­ing in a yacht that com­bines ex­cep­tional func­tion­al­ity and aes­thet­ics at the high­est level.

The Flex­plorer 146 Mav­er­ick of­fers an im­pres­sive ar­ray of fea­tures that set her apart:

Custom-built A-frame crane: this remarkable engineering feat, constructed in carbon fibre by Advanced Mechanical Solutions (AMS), fits flush with the deck after launching the tenders and is strategically positioned at the borders of the huge cockpit. This allows for ample space below deck which houses a large gym, sauna, and diving center. It has a lifting capacity of 4.000 kg.
Collapsible bulwarks: bulwarks extend to the farthest end of the cockpit and can be folded down. Deck fittings are positioned at a lower level on the swim platform, transforming the entire aft deck into a vast beach area spanning over 135 square meters.

A 9.5 metres custom tender designed by Rivellini and built by Cantiere delle Marche, and a A27 sailing boat can be stored and launched using the powerful A-frame crane.
Infinity pool in the transom: the transom features a large infinity pool which can be covered and used as storage for deck furniture while the yacht is underway.
Main salon and dining area: similar to the much-acclaimed Flexplorer 130 Aurelia, Maverick incorporates an asymmetrical layout on the Main deck. This design includes a full beam configuration to the starboard side, expanding the salon area and providing additional square footage. Simultaneously, it creates a practical passageway on the port side providing easy service between the galley and the outdoors.
Open galley: the spacious galley, positioned on the port side, seamlessly connects with the main salon. It features a central island, ideal for gathering with family and friends for breakfast, informal meals, or shared food preparation.
Upper deck amenities: the forward section of the upper deck houses a large open area for a rescue boat and jet skis. When at anchor, this space can be furnished with loose sofas and sunbeds, creating an additional outdoor lounging area.

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Guest accommodations: the guest cabins are spread over three decks. The lower deck features four ensuite cabins, while the main deck forward houses one owner’s stateroom. Additionally, the upper deck includes another owner’s stateroom next to a single guest cabin. The radio room on this deck has been replaced by a large walk-in wardrobe.
Range and speed: powered by twin CATERPILLAR C32 ACERT engines, each generating 970kW, the Flexplorer 146 boasts a fuel capacity of 64 000 litres and a range of well-above 5000nm at economic speed. The maximum speed is 14 knots.
Reinforced hull: among other technical upgrades, Maverick’s hull features an ice-belt of 22mm above and below the waterline.
We want to redefine standards
By striv­ing to re­de­fine stan­dards, Cantiere delle Marche demon­strates a com­mit­ment to push­ing bound­aries and con­sis­tently im­prov­ing their work. The Flex­plorer 146, in par­tic­u­lar, stands as a tes­ta­ment to their ded­i­ca­tion to de­sign, con­struc­tion, and en­gi­neer­ing ex­cel­lence. By go­ing be­yond their own lim­its, Cantiere delle Marche en­sures that each new yacht they pro­duce en­com­passes im­prove­ments. This mind­set is cru­cial in an in­dus­try where clients seek cut­ting-edge so­lu­tions and top-notch craft­man­ship and po­si­tions Cantiere delle Marche as lead­ers in the ex­plorer yachts build­ing.

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Charting New Paths
Mav­er­ick’s Own­ers have ex­cit­ing plans to fully em­brace their new yacht’s ca­pa­bil­i­ties. Their ini­tial ex­plo­ration will en­com­pass var­i­ous des­ti­na­tions in the Mediter­ranean. Fol­low­ing this, they in­tend to em­bark on a re­mark­able jour­ney to the North­ern lat­i­tudes with the ul­ti­mate goal of cross­ing the North­west Pas­sage. In the past, this pas­sage rep­re­sented mys­tery and a chal­leng­ing en­deavor due to its icy con­di­tions. How­ever, in re­cent decades, the re­treat of the ice cover has made it fea­si­ble to nav­i­gate through the pas­sage for a few weeks dur­ing the sum­mer. It is im­por­tant to note that de­spite the re­duced ice, there re­mains a risk of en­coun­ter­ing ice floes, em­pha­siz­ing the ne­ces­sity for a ro­bust hull, which the Flex­plorer 146 pos­sesses. The North­west Pas­sage is just one high­light on their cruis­ing itin­er­ary, as their plans ex­tend far be­yond. The owner’s sched­ule has al­ready out­lined a world tour that will take Mav­er­ick to the most re­mote cor­ners of the planet. This am­bi­tious plan demon­strates their de­sire to ex­plore and ex­pe­ri­ence the di­verse and breath­tak­ing lo­ca­tions that can be reached with their yacht.

› L.O.A. 44.33 m (145ft 5in)
› Beam 8.60 m (28ft 2in)
› Draught 2.70 (8ft 86in)
› Hull/Superstructure Steel/Aluminium
› Fuel capacity 64.000 l (16,896 gal)
› Engines 2xCATERPILLAR C32 ACERT 2×970 kW @1800 rpm
› Stabilizers 2 pairs, electrical, Zero Speed
› Speed max 14 knots
› Range @ 10 knots 5.000nm
› Guest cabins 7
› Crew cabins 3

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