Monday, February 24, 2025
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Ferretti Security & Defence Launch

Ferretti Group is diversifying its expansion strategy with the advent of the FSD Division – Ferretti Security and Defence – officially presented today at the conference room at the Temple of Hadrian in Rome.

“As a man born near the sea and an avid sailor, and on behalf of this Government that has always believed in the economic and strategic value of our ship building industry, it is my pleasure to welcome the advent of an Italian company like Ferretti Group in the Security and Defence sector, which is vitally important for our country”, commented the Minister of the Interior, Hon. Angelino Alfano, in the speech he gave at the conference.

The Navy, the Coast Guard and the Police are becoming increasingly involved in the monitoring and control of our coastlines, taking an active part in patrol- search and rescue missions, as well as having to deal with emergencies linked with migrants, trafficking, and safety at sea.

FSD – Ferretti Security and Defence – was founded to handle this new scenario. Ferretti Group’s new division will focus on designing, developing and producing a new range of high-tech naval platforms with mission profiles and specifications precisely intended for the challenging conditions encountered during operations to guarantee the security, patrol and defence of our coastline and international and territorial waters.

The new division of Ferretti Group was presented today in Rome during a press conference held at the Temple of Hadrian, when Alberto Galassi, CEO of Ferretti Group, illustrated the new project to the Minister of the Interior, Hon. Angelino Alfano, and the senior representatives of the Armed Forces and of the Government who attended the event.

With major investments worth around 50 million Euros in product research and development, already leading to 6 new models being added to the range in 2015 and a total of 27 new products due within 2017, the Group is expanding the scope of its operations and aims to meet the growing demand for innovative vessels offering a cutting edge performance and state of the art technological solutions, engineered to cater for all of the potential scenarios that may be encountered at sea.

Ferretti Group is confirming its expansion and development plans with additional investments in research, development and manufacturing operations, all of which are carried out in Italy.
FSD has the benefit of the considerable production capacity available at Ferretti Group’s 6 boatyards located across Italy, as well as the superior know-how of its resources in terms of technology and quality that have been amassed since it was founded 50 years ago.

These solid foundations put Ferretti Group in an ideal position to build vessels in steel, aluminium and composite materials that are specifically designed for applications such as Search and Rescue missions or Patrol, Surveillance, Anticrime and Antiterrorism operations.

The first “Fast Patrol Vessel” built by Ferretti Security and Defence, called the “FSD195”, is a high performance, 20m vessel capable of reaching speeds in excess of 50 knots and with a range of over 400 miles
The “FSD195” has RINA FPV and CE approvals, and is already being built with the first launch scheduled for the coming summer.

“This Government has always believed in the ship building industry. It is vitally important for the Economy and did not deserve to be penalised by the policies implemented by previous governments.
FSD – Ferretti Security & Defence is an important venture and represents a major challenge for an Italian company like Ferretti Group, that has decided to make full use of its know how and enter this market, competing with companies from the public and private sectors.

Ferretti Group was not afraid to rise to the challenge of taking on this international context.

As a yachtsman and a lover of the sea, and as the Minister of the Interior, I would like to wish “happy sailing” to the new vessels built by Ferretti Security & Defence.”
“The Group’s superior expertise in terms of R&D, know-how relating to technology and innovation, and the industrial capacity we have developed at our boat yards, will also benefit the new FSD Division, founded by the Group to diversify its operations and enter the field of Security and Defence.” – said Alberto Galassi, CEO of Ferretti Group.

“FSD’s mission is to develop vessels with a high technology content, whose performance and efficiency meet the challenging demands faced by those answering the vitally important need for surveillance and who guarantee the safety of our waters, an issue that has always been associated with all of the operations undertaken by our Group.”

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