Friday, September 20, 2024

Audi tron Sailing Series – Act 1 – Loano

All three Melges boats taking part in the Audi tron Sailing Series, sailing series organised by B.Plan Sport/Events, are now heading to Loano for the first racing acts starting on Friday 3rd April for three weekends in a row.

The first boats at the start line will be this year’s new entry in this Audi branded sailing series, racing will follow with the Audi Melges 20s, taking place betrween Saturday 11th April and Sunday 12th April concluding with the Melges 32s.

This is not the first time that the Audi tron Sailing Series starts in this city, already in 2012, the season was opened here and saw the victory of teams like Fantastica, Lanfranco Cirillo’s Melges 32 and Turnover, Renato Vallivero’s Audi Melges 20.

Considering that this is the first act it is now pretty hard to have a clue on the potential favourite teams, however we can refer to last year’s results where many strong teams have lead their way such as Audi Melges 20s Monaco Racing Fleet, Maolca, Mascalzone Latino,, Atlantichina abd Russotrans; among the Melges 24s we have Audi tron and Altea; Audi e-tron, Synergy and Robertissima among the Melges 32s.

Staging venue of these first races will be Loano, at the Marina di Loano. Its modern and boat-shaped silhoutte accommodating more than 1000 boats is considered one of the city’s main attraction along with its elegant Yacht Club run by commodore Giorgio Benussi. A dynamic and comfortable atmosphere will be making anyone’s stay an unforgettable experience in Western Liguria.


With a population of approximately 12,000 citizens, Loano has so much to offer, main attraction of the Riviera delle Palme, this venue can fulfill anyone’s taste wether it might be of cultural, sport or culinary interest.

A must walk is along the Corso Roma, particularly busy during these coming spring weekends as well as the Old Town with its Doria Palace, seat of the municipality, the Monte Carmelo monastery and its cathedral, funded by the Doria family, governing county body from 1200 and the end of the 1600s.

The area offers a wide range of restaurants, pubs and wine bars not only in Marina di Loano but also in the nearby territory.

Events scheduled in Loano are:
Melges 24, 3-5 April
Audi Melges 20, 11-12 April
Melges 32, 17-19 April

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