Sunday, March 9, 2025
Zois Mercury v10

12 Years ONDECK | Stories of Growth & Progress (Part 1)

Everything we’ve loved, advocated, worked on with passion and shared with you for 12 consecutive years in one comprehensive tribute celebrating ondeck’s birth, growth and future.

Each number in itself bears a unique and symbolic meaning. Yet, number twelve has always had a special significance in the course of history and across peoples. Representing a complete cycle, number twelve has a perfect, truly important nature which has been most remarkable since time immemorial. Twelve are the months of the year and the hours of daytime and night over 24 hours. Twelve were Christ’s Disciples, the Olympian gods and the Titans. Twelve were the Labours of Hercules and Ulysses started on his journey back home with twelve ships.

Although in human years, twelve symbolises the transition to adolescence, in the case of ONDECK, the twelve years of action and uninterrupted presence in the world of yachting are directly linked to the vigour of a company that, since its first day of existence, continues to contribute its utmost to the promotion of Greek yachting and sea tourism with unremitting passion, boasting award-winning publications, glamorous events and high-profile collaborations.


12years 1stIssue

1. The first digital issue

April 1, 2011 was the day the first issue of ONDECK was released. It was designed and launched as a digital edition available on all mobile devices and tablets. It was a yachting tablet magazine about boats over 9 meters, written in English, rich in content and brimming with stories, sea trials and meetings with some of the industry’s key figures, keeping Greek business activity in the foreground. And all of this came with high aesthetics and enriched for the first time with video, photo galleries and interactive features.


12years 1stPrinted

2. A new print era begins

After the first three years of monthly digital issues, in 2014 a new era begins for ONDECK. The magazine is now available in print form with issue #32 making a splash at POSIDONIA 2014. This crucial year in the course of the magazine brought ONDECK higher prestige, recognition and even greater motivation for the future. In that same year, ONDECK participates in the Cannes Yachting Festival.


12years yachts

3. Dynamic presence

The presence of ONDECK with its own booth at POSIDONIA 2016 strengthens the company’s prestige even further. Since then, ONDECK has uninterruptedly participated in this great exhibition that brings together the international shipping community in a unique way, confirming its ever-increasing momentum.

12years TourismAward

4. Our first award

In the Greek Tourism Awards 2017, an event that has gained the status of an institution, Skipper ONDECK won the Bronze Award in the Sea Tourism category.


5. New publications – premium events

Signed by the award-winning team of Skipper OnDeck, in 2019 the first issue of Zea Magazine, the official magazine of Marina Zea, is released, taking foreigners and Greeks alike on a cruise around Greece onboard the best yachts on the market.

12years YA

There could not be a better closure to the year than the organization of the 1st Yachting Awards event, on December 12, 2019, at Zappeion Megaron. During this unique event honorary awards were granted to the companies and personalities who contribute with their initiatives to the evolution and development of Sea Tourism, Yachting and the country’s economy.

12years ZeaOlympicFlisvos

6. The year of Covid-19

Although 2020 starts even more vigorously with the preparations for the 1st Olympic Yacht Show at Olympic Marine keeping everyone on their toes, the impact of the pandemic leads to the cancellation of the event and its postponement by a year. Despite the difficult times, ONDECK MEDIA adds two more premium publications to its portfolio, the official magazines of Flisvos Marina and Olympic Marine.


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